Looking for a seasoned expert to help you with your student loan debt?

Work with Jan Miller, 25-year student loan expert and financial industry veteran. Serving borrowers nationwide.

Guidance you can trust.

Student loans are A LOT to manage these days.  

With the overwhelming combination of national updates, Biden forgiveness waves, loan servicer changes and PSLF novelties –working with a seasoned professional is key. 

As a former student loan industry employee, and financial services veteran, Jan knows the ins and outs of student loans – plus how to weave their repayment into your life. 

After working with borrowers for 25 years, he can help you in ways far beyond what any undertrained servicer customer service rep can. 

  • Answers to your questions with absolution and clarity
  • All things PSLF
  • Clarifying national updates re: SAVE/REPAYE, IDR Waiver, Forgiveness, etc. in plain English
  • Tax filing implications
  • Buying a home/mortgage matters

and so much more. Schedule your consultation with Jan today.  

Frustrated by servicer inconsistencies and long hold times?
Jan can help.

“When you see or read about one-size-fits-all solutions, you can assume they’re wrong. Each borrower needs custom guidance and support. No reading from scripts, just plain English conversation.”
– Jan Miller

How it Works

Personalized Service

Work one-on-one with Jan. No passing around a customer service pool of undertrained reps.


Clear explanations from start to finish of processes. Not just what t o do, but how to do it, with expert help along the way. Answers with absolution, no ambiguity.

Help with Mortgage Lender

Communicating with you and directly with your mortgage lender.

Tax Filing Implications

Filing Single, Married Jointly, Married Separately, cost saving comparison, Common Property concerns. Proof of income options in IDR.


Parent PLUS Loans; co-signers, assisting in process and families with kids all with student loan debt. Working with all scenarios. Working with each family’s unique repayment arrangements. It takes a village.

The Human Factor

What makes sense for your career and individual circumstances and risk tolerance.